Salaries in Russia

Salaries in Russia

Salaries in Russia can hardly be called high. Meanwhile, various goods such as food are overpriced for the real income of the majority of the population. Since 2000 prices in Russia are rising faster than salaries.

Оf course, it is worth noting the fact that in 2014 there was a drop in real estate prices. The cost of purchase of real estate and housing rental in apartment buildings decreased by half. However, a lot of people including some low-income pensioners lived on the money from the rental of real property. Also in 2014 the ruble fell more than twice in comparison to the euro and the dollar. Consequently, in that year there was a drop in the level of real incomes of the Russian population, because there was a significant increase in the prices of many food products and other goods.

Actually, there are countries where salaries and the living standard of the population are even lower than in Russia. For example, in Belarus almost every local resident rummages in trash cans like sewer rat without embarrassment before tourists. All this I repeatedly observed firsthand during a tourist trip to Minsk (the capital of Belarus).

Salaries in Russia

All salaries on this page are listed before deduction of income tax.

According to independent labor market research for 2018 the average monthly salary of the Russian population was approximately 25,000 Russian rubles ($ 384). For the sake of justice, it is noteworthy that wages above 30-45 thousand rubles (461- 692 US dollars) are the norm for cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg and a number of northern Russian. If we talk about the northern cities, we must bear in mind the fact that prices in such cities are higher than prices in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

You can see below the official statistics of the wage level in Russia by economic activities for 2015-2016, because it wasn’t possible to find later data. From my point of view, the amounts are greatly overestimated.

All salary amounts are in Russian rubles.

Kind of activity 20152016
October NovemberDecemberJanuary February
Agriculture, hunting and forestry20 13519 56823 24618 76218 229
Fishing, fish farming 49 03347 05751 65350 32045 331
Mineral extraction 59 98060 38186 08562 49861 407
among them:
Extraction of fuel and energy resources 64 80164 99694 21171 21268 605
Mineral extraction, except fuel and energy 50 54451 21069 65344 47946 620
Manufacturing industries32 14531 63937 50331 26131 968
of them:
Food production including drinks and tobacco27 55426 61129 95026 76826 753
Textile and garment manufacture16 10015 66117 30914 48415 441
Manufacture of leather, leather goods and footwear 18 61918 41019 08817 56618 762
Timber processing and manufacture of wood products 20 65920 16322 30420 50020 812
Pulp and paper production: publishing and printing30 65730 19835 04731 86935 259
Production of coke and petroleum products68 40567 58593 48366 43070 290
Chemical production 38 41337 62748 87240 43642 639
Production of other non-metallic mineral products 28 07826 93029 87425 62126 409
Manufacture of rubber and plastic products25 88725 31327 78325 02425 148
Metallurgy and manufacture of finished metal goods 33 56032 15138 42832 56433 229
Manufacture of machinery and equipment 32 51932 41637 97232 18538 879
Manufacture of electrical, electronic and optical equipment 37 83938 33746 79135 02735 681
Production of vehicles and equipment 37 16036 98843 66435 19936 501
Оther production21 80321 03323 82220 35521 497
Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 35 24635 73344 21637 09536 976
Construction 29 91629 78636 50627 60329 082
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of vehicles, motorcycles 27 54426 84031 58827 60228 112
Hotels and restaurants 20 43820 05222 53321 65220 917
Transport and communication 38 25936 66643 80138 49137 869
among them communication 32 02232 66337 77633 68933 433
Financial activity 61 79066 972111 12460 72590 170
Real estate trading, rent and provision of services 38 50339 94453 17237 60340 230
Research and development57 93563 12084 15951 12253 770
Public administration and provision of military security etc 41 16339 10365 10136 12737 368
Education 26 56027 55434 95125 13325 797
Health care and social services 27 19727 66034 69528 64026 710
Provision of other communal, social and personal services 29 74329 73238 70930 18530 427
among them organization activities of leisure, entertainment, culture, and sports 33 09633 03945 25033 63934 472

Speaking about Russian salaries, you need to understand that many Russians get paid unofficially, it means without paying any taxes by the employer and the employee. Such employers sometimes pay even less than the minimum wage established by the state.

Many employers are inclined to deceive their employees at payment of salaries. Employees are sometimes underpaid because of any reason. Also, there are employers who delay wages for months and then dismiss employees without paying their salaries. It is not always obtained to provide justice in court. I myself have witnessed this. My mother worked in a public educational institution with several branches in St. Petersburg and her employer didn’t pay for work during New Year’s holidays. She brought a case in court, but the staff of the educational institution forged the requested documents and as a result the court took the side of the employer. A lot of people were involved in the falsification of documents. All this happened with the acquiescence and most likely upon the order of the director of the educational institution.

I hope you will draw conclusions about the written above.